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We Specialise in Garage Doors Sliding Doors Roller Shutters

Garage Doors

Roller Shutter Doors

Vehicle Lifting Products

24 Hour Emergency Service

Zwalize – 083 302 4450 | Tiaan – 072 180 6377

About Us

Uno Systems provide, services and repairs to roller shutter doors, garage doors, and vehicle lifting equipment. Our products are high quality at affordable prices. Uno Systems has supplied customers with excellent service for more than 25 years. Our products are world-class and is tailored for small businesses to large corporate company’s. At Uno Systems we have the ability to take on any project large or small.

Your Safety and Security is our top priority. Contact us any time, night or day and we will assist with your emergency. Our team of Technicians are all trained by Uno systems and has all been with us in excess of 7 years, some up to 23 years. A company that takes care of their staff is a company you can trust!

We Specialise in Garage Doors Sliding Doors Roller Shutters

For more information on our products and services please feel free to contact us.